Goal setting is one of the most important aspects of any organization. Without established goals, it can be challenging to know what direction an organization should be moving in or what measures to implement to achieve success. This is especially true for facilities management teams.

Facilities management teams have a lot of responsibilities. From ensuring the safety and security of employees and the property to maintaining a clean and efficient workplace, many goals need to be met. Therefore, facilities management teams need to set specific goals and objectives, so everyone knows what is expected of them.

In this blog post, we outline the top goals and objectives of facilities management teams and explain why setting them is essential. We also discuss how you can effectively set goals for your team and ensure they are achieved.

Facilities management goals your team should set

Below are some of the top goals that facilities management teams should set to help you create a safe, efficient, comfortable, and productive workplace.

facilities management goals: disease prevention, strategic planning, communication, sustainability, maintenance, comfortable environment, safety and security

1. Keep disease prevention and infection control a priority

Facilities management teams should keep disease prevention a top goal. Although some people believe the spread of COVID-19 is lessening, it’s still present in high numbers and has the potential to surge again. Additionally, the World Health Organization (WHO) recently declared monkeypox a global health emergency.

By remaining vigilant and practicing sound disease prevention methods, teams can reduce staff absences, make the workplace more attractive to job applicants, and help the community.

Some ways to do this include ensuring proper ventilation, regularly cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, offering free testing, encouraging employees to vaccinate, and educating employees on good hygiene practices.

2. Strategize for the future

As any facilities manager knows, it’s important to have a long-term strategic plan. Anticipating where the organization is going and what its needs will be 1 to 5 years down the road can help you make decisions today that save time and money in the future and boost performance.

But of course, strategic planning is only the first step. You also have to ensure that it stays relevant and is followed. Revisiting the plan regularly and updating it when needed is essential to keeping it accurate and helpful.

If you don’t already have a long-term strategy, making it a goal for the coming year is a great way to ensure that your facilities are well-managed now and in the future, so you have the best chance of success.

3. Enable good communication

Good communication should be a key goal for any facilities management team to run the facility smoothly. Keeping an open line for dialogue with stakeholders and occupants is crucial to ensure they’re comfortable with their surroundings. By doing so, your facilities management team can learn how the facility is perceived regularly and work on making improvements accordingly.

Additionally, occupants should be able to easily convey their opinions and recommendations via safe and secure channels, such as dedicated email, one-on-one meetings, or through facilities management software so that they can voice their concerns without fear of reprisal. By having an open and effective line of communication, your team can work together to make the facility more efficient and pleasant.

How well is your facility operating?

Get feedback on the health of your facility’s operations by taking this short diagnostic survey.

Take the 6-point performance inspection

4. Increase sustainability and energy efficiency

Facility managers are increasingly turning their attention to sustainable practices and energy efficiency. These initiatives have many benefits, including reduced operating costs, a smaller environmental footprint, and improved indoor air quality.

Additionally, green and energy-efficient practices can create a more comfortable work environment for employees. This, in turn, shows that you’re a responsible company that cares about doing the right thing, which also helps you attract new talent and customers who share those values.

Facilities management teams can increase sustainability and energy efficiency in a number of ways. Some of these include:

  • Implementing energy-efficient lighting systems
  • Using utility tracking and energy management software
  • Installing energy-efficient windows and doors
  • Upgrading to energy-efficient appliances
  • Improving insulation
  • Minimizing waste and recycling as much as possible

5. Keep up to date with maintenance

Another important goal for facility management teams should be to keep up with maintenance (both reactive and preventive maintenance). Keeping the facility well-maintained can prevent minor problems from turning into big ones. Additionally, it can help extend your equipment’s life and improve your workplace’s overall operational efficiency.

You have numerous ways to ensure that your workplace is properly maintained. For example, you could create a preventive maintenance schedule, conduct regular inspections, ensure you have a proper system in place to manage work orders, and provide employees with proper training on maintaining equipment. You can also check out this helpful guide on how to set effective maintenance goals.

6. Create a comfortable work environment

Employees spend a large majority of their day at work. Therefore, facilities management teams need to create a work environment that’s comfortable and conducive to productivity.

You can use several approaches to make a work facility more comfortable for everyone who uses it. These can include adjusting the temperature, introducing natural light, adding plants, hiring a professional cleaning company, having comfortable seating, and ensuring employees have everything they need to make their jobs as easy as possible.

By taking these steps, you can create an environment where employees enjoy spending time, which will help them be more productive. A comfortable work environment is good for both employees and employers, so it’s something every facilities manager should strive for.

7. Ensure safety and security

The safety and security of employees and property should be a top priority for any facilities management team. In addition to the clear moral and legal implications, several practical reasons exist for why workplace safety and security should be a top focus.

First, safe and secure facilities are more productive. Employees who feel safe and secure are more likely to show up to work and be productive while they’re there. Second, safe and secure facilities are more efficient. Facilities that are well-lit and free of hazards are easier to navigate and require less maintenance.

Finally, safe and secure facilities are more cost-effective in the long run. Facilities can save on insurance premiums, repairs, and replacements by preventing accidents, theft, and vandalism.

How to set facilities management goals for your team

So, now you have a clear idea of the goals you might want to set, how do you put that plan into practice? This may seem simple, but it’s not uncommon to set poor organizational goals that hamper success. Here are a few tips to help you set effective goals for your facilities management department:

  1. First, write your goals down and create a facilities management checklist. This helps ensure everyone is on the same page and knows what needs to be done.
  2. Second, be specific when setting your goals. Vague objectives only lead to confusion and frustration. Instead, focus on creating tangible and measurable goals.
  3. Third, avoid setting unrealistic goals that can’t be attained. This only serves to demotivate your team members. Instead, set achievable objectives that challenge your team but still allow them to succeed.
  4. Fourth, ensure that your goals are timely by setting deadlines for their completion. This helps keep your maintenance team focused and on track.
  5. Finally, remain accountable for meeting your goals by periodically checking in with your team and helping them troubleshoot any issues they may have.

By following these simple tips, you and your facilities management team can set effective goals and ensure the desired goals are achieved. When in doubt, set SMART facilities management goals.

Here is an example of what an effective facilities management performance goal might look like:

“We will reduce the number of workplace accidents by 25% within the next 12 months by implementing a safety training program for all employees and increasing the frequency of safety inspections.”

The bottom line

There you have it! These are some of the most important goals and objectives on every facilities management team’s list, as well as some tips on setting effective goals for your organization.

By setting these goals and striving to achieve them, you can create a safe, comfortable, productive, and cost-effective work environment.

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