Nominate a Technician

The 2024 Technician of the Year contest is now open through August 23, 2024. Show your appreciation and nominate a maintenance technician, mechanic, groundskeeper, electrician, plumber, specialist, custodian, or other skilled facilities specialist.

We will only use this information for communications about nominations and the award. View our privacy policy for more information about how we process your personal information.

Review your nomination before submitting

Take a moment to review your nomination below. We’ll send this message to the nominee upon approval and may also share it on our social media accounts.

Ready to send?
We’ll submit your nomination review and share your message to the technician.

Frequently asked questions

Who is eligible to receive the Technician of the Year award?

The award is open to technicians, mechanics, groundskeepers, electricians, plumbers, custodians, and other skilled facilities specialists who reside and work in the United States

More about eligibility

How will my nomination be shared?

Immediately on approval, FMX will send your notes to the nominee.

FMX may share your details about your nomination in its emails, website, social media accounts, and other promotional materials. We’re looking to spread love and recognition far and wide.

How will the finalists/winner be selected?

Review our eligibility and selection criteria for details that we’ll be looking for when selecting finalists and winners for the award.

How can I increase my technician’s chances of winning the award?

We recommend considering all of the points of our selection criteria along with describing in detail the outcomes that the nominee has on their work community.

May I nominate more than one technician?

Yes, we encourage that you take time to nominate all of the most deserving professionals at your organization.

What will our email addresses on the nomination form be used for?

FMX will only use the email addresses that submitters submit for the purpose of communicating the status of the Technician of the Year award.

Additionally, during the process, the person submitting the nomination has the opportunity to check a box to opt in to FMX’s newsletter or to receive notifications about future facilities management awards offered by FMX.

When is the deadline for submitting nominations?

FMX will accept nominations until August 2024.

When will the winner be selected?

FMX will announce finalists in September 2024.

In October 2024, FMX will announce the winner.

Who should I contact if I have further questions about the award?

You may contact Laura Bahar at if you have any additional questions.