In addition to facilities management software, Checklists are a powerful tool in tracking progress and taking accountability when performing a maintenance task. The most effective facilities management teams rely on detailed routines to keep operations running smoothly, and use checklists as a tool to hold technicians and staff accountable for these routines. 

Listed here are six preventative maintenance checklists with downloadable templates that will keep your facilities operating efficiently and reduce unplanned downtime.

1. Building interior quality checklist

This preventive maintenance template ensures your building interior stays in great operating condition. It’s good practice to keep an eye out for the items listed below throughout day-to-day procedures in the facility, but this checklist should be given specific attention at least once a month. It helps steer your building clear of possible future budget devouring problems.


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2. Building exterior quality checklist

A building’s exterior is a vast and diverse terrain. This inspection checklist includes several sublists for various tasks. Similar to the building interior quality checklist, it’s good practice to keep an eye out for the items listed here on a daily basis. However, it’s important to take a closer look and work through the checklist at least twice a year. Again, avoiding problems to keep budgets intact is its goal.


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3. Plumbing preventive maintenance checklist

Plumbing is a crucial part of everyday facility functions, but it is often taken for granted. If a plumbing emergency happens, things will go south very quickly. Routinely checking plumbing is an easy step to prevent the possibility of devastating damage. This routine maintenance checklist template should be visited twice annually.


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Original checklist: 7 items to check during a commercial plumbing maintenance inspection

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4. HVAC system preventive maintenance checklist

HVAC systems are complex and expensive pieces of equipment, with an average lifespan of 10–15 years. Staying on top of routine maintenance means more than just changing an air filter once a year. Preventive maintenance will keep your heating and cooling systems running smoothly for longer, saving money.

As weather begins cooling during the fall, perform preventive maintenance checks on your heating systems:


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Ahead of warmer months in spring and summer, make sure that your cooling systems are in tip-top shape:


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Learn more about performing preventive maintenance on your HVAC systems.

Original checklists: HVAC checklist, HVAC preventative maintenance checklist, and HVAC preventative maintenance

5. Manufacturing equipment preventive maintenance checklist

If your facility operates manufacturing machinery or construction equipment it’s crucial to regularly inspect the equipment is working properly and efficiently. Implementing a preventive maintenance schedule is a good way to track maintenance and reduce costly repairs and equipment downtime.


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It’s important to note that each equipment item will have a unique set of preventive maintenance items that should be developed on an individual basis. However, this preventive maintenance template suggests simple daily tasks that will set a foundation for keeping your equipment in great condition. The more preventive maintenance that is performed, the longer the life of an asset is extended.

Original checklist: The ultimate preventive maintenance checklist for equipment longevity and maintenance tips and checklists

6. Safety standards preventive maintenance checklist

Safety is an important concern in every facility, whether you’re handling heavy equipment or ensuring the safety of occupants and staff. This safety standards checklist was created with every facility in mind. Thoroughly inspect it annually, but the items listed should be kept in mind throughout day-to-day operations.


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Tips for creating preventive maintenance checklists

There may be additional preventive maintenance checklists your team wishes to create outside of this list. But how can you ensure the checklists you make give your team the specificity they need to do their best work? Follow these tips:

Create easy-to-follow checklists

The goal of checklists is to provide your team with the tools they need to complete a task independently. If the checklists are unclear, ambiguous, or difficult to understand, one of two things may happen:

  1. The technician completes the task incorrectly. If they made a significant enough mistake, you might face safety issues or equipment failures.
  2. Your team requires additional training to complete the task.

The following tips will get you started in the right direction:

  • Keep your steps brief and to the point.
  • Don’t combine steps; keep each one separate so that it’s easy to follow along.
  • Use diagrams or pictures for complex machinery.
  • Try to be as precise as possible. For instance, if a machine has several valves, you’ll need to specify which valve needs to be inspected.

One way to ensure the checklist is documented property is to watch someone execute each step in the list. You’ll be able to identify missed steps or additional details to include in the document.

Update the checklists regularly

Regulations change, and safety standards frequently evolve. As a result, you should revisit your checklists regularly. When verifying and updating checklists, keep the following in mind:

  • What suggestions do your technicians have to improve the process? They are the ones servicing the machines and have likely found opportunities for improvement. They may already have a mental note of additional steps they perform. It’s essential to add these to the checklist so that all of your equipment gets the best possible services and inspections.
  • Have there been recent equipment breakdowns? If so, could these have been avoided by inspecting additional elements of the asset?
  • Is a machine running more or operating differently than it once was? This may require you to adjust how frequently your team inspects the machine.

Make your checklists easily accessible

Preventive maintenance software is a great tool to help organize checklists and requests for each maintenance technician. You can set up these same instruction sets within the software to ensure each step is checked off the list when performing preventive maintenance.

Technicians can even access these checklists from their mobile devices while in the field. This ensures they always have the instructions at their fingertips to increase efficiency.

Next steps

Download more facilities management checklists and learn how preventive maintenance software can help you track these checklists and keep your facilities operating efficiently and effectively.

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