About Tracy


Tracy Fee is the Technology Coordinator for Vinton County Local Schools, located in Ohio. With a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Ohio University, she worked for American Electric Power’s Southern Ohio Coal Company as an electrical engineer until the mine closed in 2002. As the workforce was reduced in preparation for the mine closing, she took on the responsibilities of the IT manager which is how she made the transition to the IT field. Shortly after, she began working for Vinton County Local Schools in 2002 as a field technician within the technology department, and she has served as the Technology Coordinator since 2004. Her Technology department consists of herself and one field technician where they are responsible for supporting over 5000 Chromebooks, laptops, desktops, tablets, printers and copiers. While she has always had full support of the district’s administration, her team does all they can to get the best use of their technology with their limited budget.